ARTE MEXICANO - Colección Jacques y Natasha Gelman
Organized by: Fundación Proa
Curaduria: Robert Littman Sponsor: Siat S.A. - Siderca S.A. - Organización Techint - Coca Cola - Femsa - Banco Bansud - Cia Mexicana de Aviación - Cerveceria Cuauhtémoc Moctezuma - Secretary of Tourism of Mexico
May 27 to August 1, 1999
Jacques and Natasha¹s portraits, painted by several artists are also very intersting due to the historical contents of the works. The Gelmans Fundación Proa has organized the "Mexican Art Jacques and Natasha Gelman Collection" exhibition in Buenos Aires between may 27th and august 1st 1999. The invitation is made along with the Mexican Embassy in Argentina, the Camara Mexicana in Argentina and is sponsored by a group of companies with cultural and commercial interests in both countries.
The exhibition curated by Robert Littman, has recently been presented at Mona Bismarck Foundation, Paris, and will travel to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where it will be exhibited at the Paço Imperial under the management of Arte Viva and will finally be presented at Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, during octuber 1999.
Jacques and Natasha Gelman Collection presents a group of works from the various tendences that took place in mexican art since 1930. On one hand, the evolution of the figurative representations, started by the modernists Rivera, Orozco y Siqueiros, Kahlo, Tamayo and others. An important part of the collection is represented by the abstract works developed by Gunther Gerzo and Mérida.
The part of the collection exhibited at Fundación Proa, 42 works, is centered in the historical section. Many works by Kahlo and Rivera show the intense contemporary artistic scene that the artists contributed to develop, which finally became internationally relevant.
are recognized as one of the most important collectors of this century
One of the most important collections of 20th century art, also gathered by Jacques and Natasha, has been recently donated to the Metrolpolitan Museum of New York, being the most important donation of this kind in the museum¹s history.
Fundación Proa
Robert Littman
International Coordination
Pro Arte, México Magda Carranza
Maria Eugenia Cocherga
Sergio Avello
Armando Amador
Oliver Debroise
Sylvia Navarrete
Robert Litman
Pierre Schneider
Publishing production and translation of French
Fernando Bruno
Translation to Portuguese
Christina Ferrari
Dpto. Diseño de Fundación Proa
Willy Goldschmidt
Heloisa Faria
Rafael García, México
Regis, México
Juan Guzmán, México
Christopher Burke, New York , Cedida por M.G. Matisse Collection
Organización Techint
Secretaria de turismo de México
Coca Cola - Femsa
Cia. Mexicana de Aviación
Cerveceria Cuauhtemoc Moctezuma