10.10.12 - Alberto Giacometti

Alberto Giacometti, "Le Nez", 1947

Le Nez (La Nariz), 1947 (versión de 1949)
Bronce 80,9 x 70,5 x 40,6 cm
Colección de la Fundación Giacometti, Paris, inv. 1994‐0017
© Succession Giacometti / SAVA, 2012
If you need images in high resolution, you should write to prensa@proa.org

The Alberto and Annette Giacometti Foundation authorizes the reproduction of these images exclusively for the diffusion of the exhibition at Fundación Proa (October 2012 - January 2013). Images must be always accompanied by their headings reproduced in full.  It's prohibited the manipulation, modification, distortion of shape and / or color and detail reproduction or parts of images. For use on the web, images may only be reproduced in a maximum size of 600 px.